Christopher Kane: Ready-to-Wear SS18

House coats and slip dresses and something approaching a peignoir: welcome young man to the world of suburban sex clubs and soft core fetish. Step inside Christopher Kane’s saucy world for spring where shiny ciré skirts are worn with satin blouses and debs in cocktail frocks sup sweet champagne in black patent gloves. All the better for some serious spanking. Divine gem-encrusted cut-out cardis and gorgeous pink ones too are pulled over soft slips and daring nighties. She’s the kind of woman who invites the milkman in and charges for the privilege.

Naughty Christopher channelled a secret and suburban world normally hidden behind net curtains, where men pay for a lady’s attention and the lady looks divine doing so. And was that a dress that looked like something worn by a maid? Indeed, sir! A prostitute’s maid. Buy Personal Services starring Julie Walters immediately for more: a tale depicting the life of infamous madame and brothel keeper Cynthia Payne (Madame Cyn). Spanking games for naughty boys essential!

Photographs by Jason Lloyd Evans

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