Who doesn’t love the promise of a tray of salty, warm snacks washed down with a vodka or two? And for that matter, who doesn’t like purveyors of fine leather accessories from across the pond, Coach? So when the two unite, for one night only, to celebrate the launch of Coach’s first European Coach House, who in their right mind would turn down the invitation? Not us. Which is why we didn’t. And what a treat we were in for. Hosted by Stuart Vevers, the executive creative director of the house, the evening took us on a fun journey of ‘Coach discovery’, where we were able to peruse the newest fashions on the rails, monogram leather gifts, “each personalised by artisans at the store’s unique craftsmanship bar”, as well as mingle and take selfies with the Coach beasts Rexy, Steggy, Woolly and Tricky, who despite being beasts were not beastly in any way. But then, have you ever met a beastly dancing beast? There was karaoke too, as well as set from DJ Fat Tony, which saw one of the beasts give a rather energetic dance to Prince’s Kiss. How could you resist?