Welcome to the future. Today in the Grand Palais, we sat in Data Centre Chanel. Around us lights flickered, wires intertwined, screens rapidly downloaded codes and the sound of the future vibrated. Stranger things style. Our hearts were racing before it had begun. Maybe all that radiation. The beat pulsated fast and hard, urgently. And then the Chanel cyborgs appeared. The first, wearing Storm Trooper-esque masks. Chanel Troopers. And so they trooped in tweed suits and caps twisted to the side, hip hoppin’ through that data centre. Jackets had piped edges like all the colourful cables spewing; checks were like the inside of computer boards, optical and fresh, and liked the new shiny quilted suits as well. Light layering felt youthful as silk lace trimmed slip dresses peeking from under slit tweed skirts. It was techno cyber fabulousness. Printed multi coloured liquidity moved with ease, no confusion here like well programmed software. We are all hard wired to technology but Chanel took it one click further. Oh Karl. It seems we’ve been living on the wrong digi planet. This one is so much more us. We want to be coded, Karl style. There’s no better future than this.
Photographs by Jason Lloyd-Evans