Remember watching The Secret Garden and secretly, or maybe not secretly, wishing you had a garden just like that. Yes, it’s true that it took the death of Mary’s parents for her to be sent to live with her miserable uncle, but silver linings and all that – where do you think the film, and the book for that matter got their title from? Sometimes sacrifices need to be made in order to achieve happiness. Anyway, despite resembling some exotic garden for your feet, Sandra Choi’s Jimmy Choo SS17 collection wasn’t inspired by The Secret Garden, but rather Falling Gardens, the botanical installation by artists Gerda Steiner and Jorg Lenzlinger, as well as humming birds. Stilettos in rich, tropical hues, exotic pinks and oranges and jewel toned purple were embroidered with shimmering pearls, delicate straps in green, snaking vine-like up the leg. To quote Ms Choi, “I started by thinking about these staggeringly beautiful phenomena of nature, whose only designer is evolution – mind-bogglingly gorgeous things. The 21st century has become so fast-paced we often forget to be still enough to look around and marvel at the wonders we co-exist with. I considered the sensibility it takes to be attuned to this kind of beauty: what it takes to have the perspective both to see it, and in a way also to be it.” Think of this garden as not so secret maybe, seeing as its being displayed on your feet. More a garden of eden, paradise in stiletto form.