This was all about memories. Mr Berardi was inspired by a globe de mariée – basically a big antique French dome, traditionally given at weddings for the couple to store most cherished love souvenirs in (flowers, a lock of you child’s hair, an old pair of knickers etc). Which, by chance, was a gift from our very own Editrix-in-Chief, Sophia. She’s very good at presents, you see. Does that mean we can claim the collection was all down to her? Maybe. So, weddings. “Everyone loves a wedding,” Dominic tells me. Because are those first looks not a touch matrimonial? The lace-y bits, the white, the sheer layers. Think of it as a wedding dress (or suit, in the case of Look 3) that you can wear every day. And what lady wouldn’t want to do that? Beyond that, we are into full throttle Berardi – perfectly cut body-hugging silhouettes combined with asymmetric feminine layers, masterful embellishment, a splash of red. “I like strong, powerful women—feminine but in control,” he told Vogue Runway. And this woman is. Just look at that stride. She’s in control. Call it the power of Berardi.
Photographer: Diego Diaz
Stylist: Sophia Neophitou