MSGM: Pre-Fall 2016

Oof, we love ourselves a ruffle. Gives a lady a certain feel. Lucky for us, then, they are all over this MSGM collection – flying across pairs of trousers, along the edges of skirts, floating across tops. There’s even a frilly handbags. An explosion of ruffles, if you will. Like your clothes have been dragged through a crimping machine. Apparently it was clown inspired and yes, we know there is nothing scarier – but think more Fellini than It – Massimo Giorgetti looking back towards Karl Lagerfeld’s 1971 collection for Chloé as the overriding reference. Throw in poppy, floral prints, geometric tailoring and a jumper with a cat on it and what do you have? A ready-made wardrobe for the eccentric lady. Send in the clowns.

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