Pandemonium struck Ten Towers this afternoon when midway through Angie Greaves drivetime on Magic, our radio cut out. What were we supposed to do…talk to each other?! Luckily after 5 minutes it came back. Just in time for ‘Baby It’s Cold Outside’ and baby, it is cold outside. But that isn’t always the case and the world’s climate is an important problem we need to try and resolve – not just talk about when conversation dries up. To coincide with the UN Climate talks in Paris, Amber and Giovanni Testino have started an awareness campaign #ClimateCatwalk to give this problem a voice. The idea is to create a virtual march and we are all marching in the same direction – towards a better future for the planet. Some fab fashion to already join the march are Mario Testino, Nick Knight, Vogue Paris and Mario Sorrenti so what’s stopping you?
For more information about the campaign and how to move towards a more sustainable future visit the #ClimateCatwalk website