Gucci X Dover Street Market

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You know when you’re angry about something, and someone tells you to close your eyes go to your safe place – like in happy Gilmore. Well mine is Dover Street market. And it just got even better, because now it has Gucci. As of tomorrow anyway, when the Alessandro/DSM collaboration will come to life in the four stores world-wide. Adrian Joffe, President of Dover Street Market, says: “We have always believed in breaking the rules and taking risks. For a company like Gucci to do this was for me pretty astounding and on top of that we loved the collections. They have that wonderful combination of new and traditional as well as being conceptually authentic. We are very proud and honoured to be a part of the Gucci revolution.” The space will evolve with the change of each collection, the first of which is a Boudoir-esque delight to excite all your senses. Pink velvet, concrete panels and soft rose coloured carpet that makes you want to take off your shoes and get it in between your toes. Alessandro describes it as a “living space”, in that case please, pretty, pretty please can I move in!

Set to reach Dover Street Market London on September 10th


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