John Galliano Mr Bill Gaytten Continues To Look


Mr Bill Gaytten continues to look after the House that its namesake was fired from (poor sod but he was a very naughty boy), delivering beautiful clothing inspired by every era you can imagine. This time its Geisha notes that evoke a new cleaner silhouette and Stephen Jones’s Bird nest creations an Edwardian note (nicked that from the drop sheet). More recently he’s started to reign in the fantasy a bit and focus on selling, which is probably for the best. We just want them to sell loads of clothes and be all rich and fabulous and do more shows featuring fake snow and insane eye makeup. Or at least give us back the newspaper print jock straps at the mens shows. But we have to be honest we do miss John himself loads. Me thinks they should give the house back to the main man himself. Its just an idea. Its now champagne o’clock.

By Antony Miles with a lot of help from Jack Sunnucks

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