Ultimate cool kids. Binx Walton, Molly Bair and Anna Ewers to name a few. If mean girls (or any other American High-school coming of age movie for that matter) was reversed and instead of ‘The Plastics’, the Goths and heavy metal kids ruled the school; this is what they would look like. And as they are in this photo, would hang out in some undisclosed industrial space in Brooklyn and wear only Alexander Wang. To quote the spice girls: ‘I wanna be in your gang, oh yeah.’
Photographer: Steven Klein
Creative Director: Pascal Dangin, KiDS Creative
Stylist: Karl Templer
Set Design: Stefan Beckman
Talent: Anna Ewers, Molly Bair, Binx Walton, Lexi Boling, Lexi Boling, Hanne Gaby Odiele, Sarah Brannon, Isabella Emmack. Singer Alice Glass, and dancers AyaBambi