There’s just something about the word cruise that makes you want to, well cruise. Not in the cursing sense, though if you want you can, more in the get on a cruise ship and depart for some far flung, sun drenched locale. Which is why we always get excited about the cruise shows. Yes shows in the traditional big four are exciting, but the cruise shows are always held in the most unexpected of locations. Take the upcoming season, Louis Vuitton is showing in Rio, home of the carnival, Chanel in Havana, home of rum and Cuban cigars and Gucci in London, home to well, us. And the queen. The newest announcement in the schedule is Dior who have chosen, wait for it, Blenheim Palace, birth place of Winston Churchill. A man who enjoyed cigars, possibly Cuban ones. May the season of cruising for cruise be upon us.
Photograph: Louis Vuitton Cruise 2016, courtesy of Louis Vuitton